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How to access your Account?

If you’ve renewed your subscription after a failed payment, your payment is successfully processed. You can access the course materials as usual.

If this is your first time becoming a member, then you’ve successfully purchased my ‘Happiness Membership Course’.

First of all, I’d like to thank you.

As to how to access the course, it is really easy. Before we get started, I want you to bookmark this page for future reference.

Currently, you can’t access your account because you have to log in with your email address and password on My Account Page.

Your account password is currently being generated and sent to your email address (the one you’ve purchased the membership with).

If you can’t see the password email, I strongly recommend to check the ‘Junk Emails’ in your inbox. Many password emails are dropped to junk folders. If you still can’t find the password email, don’t worry. Sometimes, it takes 5-10 mins for the email to arrive your inbox.

Be patient. If the password doesn’t arrive after 10 -15 mins, feel free to contact with our support staff at:

After you get the password email, click on ‘My Account’ at the top of this page. This will lead you to the login page. Copy and paste the password in your email to the password section.

The user name is the same as your email address. After you enter your email address and password, you’ll gain access to the Course Videos, Forum and Account Settings.

    how to change your password?

After logging into your account with the random email password, you might want to change your password as soon as possible. 

Simply head over to ‘My Account’ page and click ‘Account Details’ after logging in.

From there you can easily change your password and user name.

That’s it. You are ready to get started!

Also check ‘My Membership’ and ‘My Subscription’ settings in ‘My Account’ page. From there you can view your billings, upcoming content dates and review your payment methods.

Keep in mind that if a monthly payment gets declined for some reason, you’ll log in to My Account > My Subscriptions and re-enter your payment information to gain access to the new monthly content.

But that’s enough tutorial. Let’s get you started with course materials!

Hello! I’m Arda 

Psychologıst and medıtatıon teacher

First of all, I’d like to thank you for becoming a student.  I hope you’ll enjoy this training. I’m the founder of Stoic Leaders and your teacher for this course. This 10-month long membership course is designed to teach you Stoic psychology and Buddhist meditation in detail. You’ll go through more than 40+ hours of training by the end of this journey. My aim is to change your psychological landscape to someone who can be happy independent of external circumstances with the help of mindfulness and cognitive behavior therapy. Without further ado, let’s get started!

Course Training

 First of all, you can access the available lessons by clicking on ‘Course Training’ at the top of this page

When you are there, you’ll find 2 main pillars of our training: Stoic Psychology and Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation.

Stoic Psychology

In the Course Training, you can access to the first key pillar of our training:

Stoic Psychology and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 

Buddhist Meditation

In the Course Training, you can access to the second key pillar of our training:

Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation and Spiritual Enlightenment

My Expertise

Stress, Anxiety, & Depression

I’ll help you to eliminate negative emotions like stress, anger, anxiety, boredom and depression but I will also help you experience more satisfaction, happiness, joy and well-being. With mind training using mindfulness and cognitive behavior therapy, I’ll teach you how to become the happiest version of yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do ı go ıf I have Technıcal ıssues?

For any billing, website, course and technical issues, just send an email to :

 Our support staff will take care of your needs.

 the best way to go about the course?

You can go about the course in any way but I strongly suggest that you watch and apply both psychology and meditation episodes simultaneously. Start a daily meditation practice right away and make sure to finish each episode and its corresponding worksheet before moving on to the next episode.


The main course takes about 10 months to finish. You’ll pay the membership price (currently $29) on a monthly basis and gain access to the rest of the course material as time goes on.

But since this is a membership course, I’ll continue to add new videos and training episodes during and after the main course.

Throughout these months, the course content and videos will increase but the price of the membership will always stay the same.

So if you continue to stay a member, you’ll eventually get more value and training episodes for the same price. 

Are there any assıgnments / worksheets?

Yes! Each episode has a worksheet attached to it. In these worksheets, you’ll answer key questions about the training video which checks if you have truly understood and assimilated the core teachings. These worksheets and lesson notes also give you practical assignments which helps you apply these theoretical teachings into your daily life. For best results, do the worksheets right after you finish watching the video. Take your time and write your answers carefully.

When wıll new vıdeos be avaılable?

The new training material will come on a 30 day basis starting from the date you join the membership. Right after you send the membership payment for that month,  you’ll receive an email notifying you about the new course material. For some reason, if you don’t see the email notification, simply head over to the lessons page and you’ll see the new training episodes.

Can ı get a refund? – Can I quıt anytıme?

Yes! Once you become a student if you ever feel dissatisfied with the training material, you can get a full refund in 7 days. After 7 days, you won’t able to get a refund. But you can always quit the course whenever you want. You don’t have to finish the whole 10 months. If you need to suspend your account for special reasons, quit the course or want to get a refund, get in contact with our support team at:

Contact Me

As a student of this course, you have 24-hour access to me over email. Whenever you have questions about specific course videos, psychology, and meditation, just send me an email and I’ll answer as soon as possible.